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SaintConnection first person narratives capture the heart and imagination of the Saints bringing their blessed examples to life in a personal and engaging devotional format!

Anatomy of a Saint Booklet

Opening Prayer

Our opening prayer helps us consecrate the time to God.

Life View

An overview of the saint's life helps give us background and perspective to their world.

Spiritual (Adventure) Story

The Spritual Story gives a unique, first-person perspective into our saint's life.

Spotlight on Faith

Teaching and call to action on one aspect of our Faith exemplified by our saint.

My Life Story (Witness)

A first-person witness which sheds light on God's graces experienced by our saint. 

You Are Made In God's Image

A section to help foster discussion by comparing our lives to our saint's life with a call to action.

Peace In Jesus

A homily-like discussion exhorting us to adopt the traits of Jesus

Small Saintly Steps

Discussion and examples of living out our Faith in our community and the world

Saint Connection Booklet Examples

Anatomy of saint booklet

Opening Prayer

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, you are Holy indeed and we thank You for the example given to us by Your venerable servants who have gone before us.

We pray their lives may help us open our hearts and guide our actions as we strive to love You more and do Your Holy will.

This we pray, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Each booklet begins with an opening prayer to center your mind and soul around receiving God's grace and direction as we journey into the life of the saint we are about to read

Anatomy of saint booklet

Life View

To start your saint introduction, we begin with a brief overview of the your saint's life and some highlights of what they were known for or what they had accomplished in their life.

Anatomy of saint booklet

Spiritual Story (Guided Adventure Story)

We continue with the exciting Spiritual / Adventure Story which brings the saint to life with a first person creative narrative covering a particular event or series of events in the saint's life.

Anatomy of saint booklet

Spotlight on Faith

A spotlight on faith is the next section which ties into the saint's story in an important way. Through the saint's exemplification, we learn about important fundamentals of the Catholic faith such as Beatification, How Popes Are Elected, and Why Church On Sunday Is Important 

- to name a few.

Anatomy of saint booklet

My Life Story - Witness

The "My Life Story" section is presented as a virtual witness or testimony to God's influence in the saint's life. This section helps us hone in on some of God's specific graces that the saint experienced that changed their life and that we can employ in our own lives.

Anatomy of saint booklet

"You Are Made In God's Image" - Enrichment

"You Are Made in God's Image" is an opportunity to connect with how your life and the saint's life might have similarities. This short poll is great for fostering discussion questions along with the follow up application questions.

Anatomy of saint booklet

Peace In Jesus - Homily

The next section focuses on one particular aspect of the saint's life which can inspire us to elevate our lives in the service of God. Often these topics are instructive, but also exhort us to better habits and living.

Anatomy of saint booklet

Small Saintly Steps

This final section of the booklets call us to specific action in how we can change our own lives to adopt certain habits we identify with in our saint's life. These questions are great for both personal study or group engagement.

Library of Saint Stories

Vol 1 & Vol 2 - With More To Come!